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LA Program Testimonials

Becoming a Learning Assistant builds confidence, leadership skills, group facilitation, a deeper understanding of the subject matter, and so much more. Here are some of the stories from past LAs about how valuable an experience becoming a Learning Assistant can be.

In the pedagogy class, I learned critical things about education and how people learn that haven't been covered in my education classes thus far! Serving as an LA helped me build a stronger foundation in algebra/mathematical concepts, gave me experience facilitating group work and classroom learning, and friendships!
Not only has LAing motivated me in my career choices, but it has opened my mind to what kind of learner I am (i.e., college classes have become easier to manage)! You learn metacognitive skills that you will use for the rest of your life. The connections I have made throughout my time as an LA will be an amazing resource if I ever need a letter of recommendation.
In my work as a Learning Assistant, I gained an understanding of what it means to take ownership of your learning - or in anything you choose to do. This ownership must be your own, and cannot be imposed by anyone. However, good support can lead to making the decision to own your learning and when you do, it’s monumental. I have had many other opportunities arise based on my decision to take ownership of my learning, leadership, and commitment to student growth.
I love spending time with students in the classes I've been an LA for. The opportunity to learn from them, see their learning process, and have them teach me how to be a better instructor has been wonderful. My LA experience also makes me a competitive applicant to graduate programs because of the skills I’ve developed working on an instructional team and developing course content.
LAing allowed me to form connections with professors and students across campus that I never would have met otherwise, which helps a lot when trying to network and find new opportunities.
I have learned quite a bit about study strategies and teaching methods that promote the greatest academic success, which encourages me to alter my own learning habits for the better.
From my LA experience I gained better insight into my own learning tendencies and techniques to improve my processing of new knowledge. I also gained practice that has helped me be a more patient and understanding educator, regardless of the context.
The LA program helped me to develop soft skills in a professional setting. In the instructional meeting, I learned how to effectively communicate and solve problems in a group setting. I developed professional relationships with my instructional team, professors and peers, and my students.
The SCI 5050 class and related coursework are incredibly helpful in prepping to teach and engage with students, and makes the entire process becoming a learning assistant far less daunting. Becoming an LA greatly advances your personal leadership and communication skills, which are arguably important in any professional field.
The knowledge I’ve gained from the LA program absolutely contributes to my professional development. Self-assessment, questioning, and a growth mindset are all beneficial concepts regardless of the profession you choose.
I appreciated being a part of an LA community of practice! We were able to learn from each other and reflect on our practice together. Participating in the LA program helped provide me with more experience in leadership and exposure to evidence-based practices for my future career in teaching. This program made me more curious about the learning process and the role of metacognition in learning.
Being a part of the LA program helped me grow as a learner, teacher, and as an individual: I understand how I learn, I believe I can learn anything given time, and now I have strategies for lifelong learning. I have become invested in the success of others; I am more cognizant of and prepared to address factors that would impact another's ability to learn effectively, and I’ve learned how to use the strengths of individuals in a group to bring the best out of others. As an individual, I have learned to communicate more effectively, ask intelligent/specific questions, and I have made meaningful relationships.
Working as an LA improved my relationships with both peers/students as I worked to be helpful to them and it improved my professional relationships with teachers and TAs that I worked with. The LA program improved my ability to build productive and genuine professional relationships which will be beneficial to me throughout my life.
I learned so much about group dynamics in the pedagogy course. Beyond how people learn, we also tackled race and gender representation and how to foster an inclusive learning environment. Because of my work as an LA, I am confident in my ability to lead a team, in my flexible teaching style, and how I approach each interaction with care. These translate directly to the professional workplace.
Participating as an LA provided me with valuable teaching experience, which adds luster to my resume. I have also learned about pedagogy, which will provide me with better opportunities in my future work and teaching.