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Charles (Butch) Atwood leads CSME Exchange (Apr 5)

The Center for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME) is pleased to present the CSME Exchange, an interactive brown bag discussion for faculty, students, and staff. The next CSME Exchange is:

One Last Visit to the Effects of Homework Mediated Metacognition



Charles (Butch) Atwood – Chemistry
Thursday, April 5, 2018
CSC Tutoring Center (210)

Join us as we celebrate Butch’s accomplishments and wish him well in his retirement.

Abstract:  Over the last few years I have presented our work on the effects of homework mediated metacognitive training and control on CHEM 1210 and 1220 students.  Our results indicate that the greatest effects are on the bottom two quartiles of students.  In this CSME Exchange I will discuss the measurable effect of having one or two semesters of metacognitive training on student learning.  I will also describe its effect on student trajectories, whether they improve, remain the same, or decline as a function of time in the course.