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CSME Exchange – J. Heemstra (Mar 10)

The Center for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME) is pleased to present the CSME Exchange, an interactive brown bag discussion for faculty, students, and staff. The next CSME Exchange is:

Increasing access to research opportunities through course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) 



Jennifer Heemstra (Chemistry)
Thursday, March 10, 2016
INSCC room 345
Lunch will be provided!



As science and technology rapidly evolve, our students are increasingly likely to find themselves in careers that have yet to be imagined. Thus, in addition to learning the fundamental principles of chemistry, it is essential that students develop the skills they need to learn independently, think critically, and communicate clearly. One approach to promoting these learning outcomes is to allow students to interface with cutting-edge research, as this compels them to learn information beyond what is included in their textbooks, and introduces them to the inherent uncertainty and need for critical analysis that come with interpreting experimental results. This presentation will describe my experiences initiating a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) in the context of an Advanced Chemical Biology Lab course. Specifically, the presentation will address research problem selection, assessment of learning outcomes, publication of results, and the opportunity to leverage CUREs to increase capacity for “traditional” undergraduate research experiences.
Join us for an informal discussion and exchange of ideas!

Vist our CSME Exchange page for future meeting times and topics.