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Hugo Rossi Lecture – S. Shadle (Jan 27)

<<Hugo Rossi Lecture Series

Stimulating Change in STEM Education: Engaging Faculty at the Department Level

Susan Shadle, Center for Teaching and Learning

Susan Shadle, Boise State University
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Evidence-based instructional practices are well-documented by education research to be effective in supporting student learning. However, their adoption is not widespread in higher education. As part of an NSF WIDER project, we are engaged in an institutional change project aimed at engaging all STEM faculty to explore and adopt evidence-based instructional practices. This presentation will describe our work in stimulating faculty exploration, with special attention to faculty in different stages of adoption of new teaching ideas.

A video of the presentation is available below.

Susan E. Shadle is Director of The Center for Teaching and Learning and Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Boise State University. Her faculty development work focuses on effective course design, assessment of student learning, and the development of rich pedagogical toolboxes. She contributes professionally to both the national POGIL Project (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) and the POD Network (Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education). Her scholarly interests are focused on factors that impact faculty and institutional change.
